SOOO I guess I'm going to start posting every bottle of wine I drink on here, just so I can keep a list...and maybe one day show it to an employer...and get hired for proven obsession and knowledge. If nothing else it's just a way to track everything I drink and whether I like it or not. I suppose I will keep posting about everything else that interests me as well.......(just for the record I've probably tried over 500 wines..the obsession has grown to a seriously annoying habit.....this morning I realized I was officially annoyed with wine after wasting 2 hours once again on research....and I make about 1200 a
So this Rosa Mystica, Cabernet Franc 2009...its made with 90% Cabernet Franc and 10% Cabernet Sauvingon supposedly. I have only had one other Cab Franc called "The Franc". I had it at Sandra Bullock's resaurant in Austin called Bess Bistro (AMAZING food) and thankfully found it at Whole Foods (also at Spec's..its about 16 bucks and pretty amazing.) So back to Rosa Mystica...It doesn't taste like a cab franc based on the ONE other I've tasted. It tastes like a red blend. It was 40 bucks...and tastes like a 15 to 20 dollar a little disappointing, but not disappointing enough to take I love the bottle and I'm gonna keep it as decor. It has some pretty heavy tannins on the end, has a nose of chocolate..boysenberry in the mouth..magenta (between red and purple)....not terribly complex, but its not thin or boring...not the most interesting in the least but it has an invigorating pleasing taste..(except you HAVE to aerate this guy because the first sip I took tasted like a kid's juice box)...I don't have an aerator so I poured it back and forth between two glasses for a while...does this work? Who knows...
So should you buy this?....if you have fourty dollars to blow, sure..but if you have NONE like me..spend your fortune on something that gives you more bang for the buck. Like "The Mariner" Dry Creek Valley...2007.....That will be the next nice bottle of wine I buy..until then...10 to 20s for me.